Pervenire Digital Solutions Pvt Ltd

PPC Advertising

Google Ads – Case Study

Our  PPC advertising (Pay Per Click ) case study of 3 months. Sharing some insight and pro tips that can get you started even on a tight budget and will assure that whenever someone is going to search about your service, Google will rank you among the top 3 positions..

In this case study, you will learn how I was able to grab maximum traffic within my limited budget among all of my competitors, beating all the well-known Coaching in Patna, Bihar providing similar services.

Yes, I had a small budget but whenever my ads were running I made sure that Google ranks me among the top three whenever someone is willing to have my services.

Most of the time grabbing the absolute top first position for the same service on Google.

Here is a little background

Industry: Services

Niche: Coaching Institute

Average Service Price: Rs. 15,000/ (200 USD)– Rs. 25,000/ (340 USD)

Location: Patna, Bihar India

3 Months Avg CTR (Click Through Rate): 17.76%

3 Months Conversions: 231

3 Months Customer Calls: 321

3 Month Advertising Budget: Rs. 163,275/ (2218 USD)


If an average service cost is between 15k-25k ((200 USD-(340 USD) and the 3 months budget is Rs 163,275 (2218 USD) and 3 months leads that you are getting are 231 along with 321 phone calls then it won’t be an issue for anyone to calculate sales.

It’s Good, Very Good.


You need to convert leads into potential clients.

How you can run profitable Google Ads:

Structuring Your Ad Campaigns:

You need to take a look at your or your client’s website navigational structure in order to build campaigns. For example, if your clients want you to run PPC ads on two services then you need to make sure to run multiple campaigns with multiple Adsets. In our case we have run 3 Camapaigns and each campaigns with 2 different Adset.

Structuring Your Ad Groups:

Similarly, you need to take a look at the website navigational structure of the respective service as well as other sub-services as well. For example, your client wants you to run PPC or Google ads for Class XIth that you as an advertiser will make sure to have various ad groups that are related to Class XI.

In-depth Keyword Research:

Most advertisers overlook the importance of keywords; it’s the heartbeat of your campaigns. I couldn’t emphasize the importance of keyword research enough but you can think of it similar to someone looking for a product on E-Commerce websites. If you are on a tighter budget then no need to get expensive tools instead you can use google keyword planner. You can also use paid tools like Ahref, Semrush, and Ubersuggest

Profitable Bidding Strategies:

You need to start off with a manual bidding strategy in most cases it will help you to control your budget and spend aggressively or conservatively on profitable and poor keywords respectively. If you are a beginner then you can use automatic bidding. 

Killer Ad Copies:

Use emotional and psychological aspects of your service and address the pain points in the titles and description most importantly your unique selling points whether it is price or another edge over your competitors. You don’t need to stuff too many keywords in your description. Take help of Google suggestions to create Headlines and descriptions

Negative Keywords:

(Your Best Friend): Add lots of negative keywords even at the start of your campaign at the campaign level, and at the ad group level. Add keywords like free, cheap, or any other irrelevant terms that people might search on (you can have this idea while you will be doing your keyword research), and then later on you can add more negative keywords while looking into your search reports

Landing Page:

Your landing page needs to represent the ad copy that you will be using in Google ads, make sure that your landing page is fast, mobile responsive, and trigger users to take action to submit the sign-up form or call your sales representative. Your landing page contributes highly towards your ad rank which determines how cheap or expensive clicks you will get.

Conversion Tracking:

Make sure you have conversion tracking installed on your website which will tell you about the performance of your campaigns and based on that you will be adjusting your bids on certain keywords. It will eventually help you in deciding whether a particular campaign is performing good or bad.


Use maximum extensions related to your services like a call extension, site link extension, location extension, and promotional extensions. This will help you to cover half of the google search engine results page (SERP).

Ad Scheduling:

Make sure to schedule your ads at a certain time of the day where your audience is usually in the office or searching about your services. You don’t want users to show ads while they are home. The best time that has worked for me was between 7am – 6pm typical office timings.

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